Friday, February 24, 2006

Cast of Characters

The contributors:

Venita--The woman with breast cancer, and the one who writes most of this stuff

Jim--Venita's dear husband, working with Venita to survive breast cancer, but technology challenged so he doesn't directly add to this blog

Steve--A friend from the Feline Diabetes Message Board and the Pet Diabetes Wiki who knows IT and who is a co-administrator on this site because Venita also is somewhat technology challenged.

The doctors:

Dr. Cutter--Diana Dickson-Witmer, breast surgeon
Dr. Chemo--Timothy Wozniak, medical oncologist
Dr. Boob--Joe Danyo, reconstructive surgeon
Dr. Nuke--The radiation oncologist, to be identified later in the process
Dr. Primary--Christine Diehl, Venita's family doctor (primary care physician)

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