Thursday, May 10, 2007

GYN appt

My GYN referred me to a 24-hour assessment and referral service that treats folks for, among other things, acute depression. GYN apparently refers other patients to this place because of post-partum depression. This was the first time he asked to look at my chest, though all these months of surgery, etc. He agreed I would need alot of scar massage on the right side to break up the "grip" the scar has on my chest wall.

I see my GP tomorrow. In an email today, my SSDI lawyer has strongly suggested that I try to get a neurologist to evaluate and maybe treat my neuropathy. So I will press my GP on a referral; Dr. Chemo won't do it. I have an appt with the neurologist, but she won't see me without a referral from another DR.

Lawyer also thinks my GP is kind of useless to the process. The more specialists that sign on, the better.

I told GYN that I hadn't listed him in my group of DRs on the SSDI form, but he did come up in the final remarks session for prescribing mammo and referral to Dr. Cutter. Therefore, he may be called upon to supply records. He said no problem. He would be happy to have his office send the appropriate paperwork.

My GYN is my favorite DR. He is cute and hugs me several times each visit. And always checks for how I am doing "overall." He was very surprised at Jim's recovery from liver failure. I think he and his nurse were expecting me to tell them that Jim had passed. Nope. He's down in the dungeon napping. I wish I could nap, but an occupational therapist is bringing a seat riser for my bathroom toilet this afternoon.

I need to call neighbor Curt again about putting some grab rails in my bathroom. I suspect that the message I left on his machine 2 weeks ago got "lost," what with a wife and 2 teenagers. Curt gave me his cell number because of problems like that.

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